PinnedRihab LajmiinILLUMINATION“Our brains predict everything we do”.Our brains predict everything we doNov 23, 20214Nov 23, 20214
PinnedRihab LajmiHow to reach your productivity peak (With the least effort possible) 👌From bestseller books and articles all the way to random internet blogs, people have spend exorbitant amounts of time trying to develop…Mar 15, 2021Mar 15, 2021
PinnedRihab LajmiUnravel the Genius Within You: My One Golden Rule!”Don’t dream of having a super-brain, act as if you already have one”Jan 14, 20216Jan 14, 20216
PinnedRihab Lajmi3 morning activities that have drasticallyimproved my productivity! 🧠I have spent years trying to come up with a morning routine that boosts my energy and creativity throughout the day. I’ve tried almost…Jan 12, 2021Jan 12, 2021
Rihab Lajmiهِيهِي … من هِي؟ رائحة الفجر في الأفق غابة زيتون هِي نجمةٌ خفيفة التّكوين ساطعةٌ ندبةٌ في الروح موجعةٌ يُدندِنها العاشقون حُلم الزبرجدِ في…Mar 28, 2021Mar 28, 2021
Rihab LajmiinILLUMINATIONHow to stop giving a f*ck!Do not look at others, see right through them (The mirrored room theory)Jan 17, 20212Jan 17, 20212
Rihab LajmiAnd suddenly it felt like nothing…And suddenly it felt like nothing…Jan 16, 2021Jan 16, 2021
Rihab LajmiWhen science meets art (Part 1)Some might think that art and science are extraneous to one another in so many ways that it is almost implausible to gather both of them…Jan 12, 2021Jan 12, 2021
Rihab LajmiLet’s Talk Money! 💰 (Intro)One of the major factors that got me into the entrepreneurship world in the first place was the financial independence of it all. The idea…Jan 12, 20211Jan 12, 20211
Rihab LajmiAn Intern, a Student and an Artist: How do I manage my time? (MY 3 GOLDEN RULES 🔆)As you all know, I am an active person and I always like to stay busy. But to be honest, sometimes, it just feels like too much work, and…Jan 12, 20211Jan 12, 20211